
The aim of the Governing Body at our school is to work with the staff in helping the children achieve their full potential in a happy, caring environment.

We do this in four main ways:

  • Monitoring the performance and progress of our children;
  • Working with the staff to help them teach and care for our children;
  • Deciding on how the resources of the school are best used;
  • Planning ahead so that the performance of our children and our school continues to improve.

To deliver this effectively the Governor team members are representative of all the key groups involved in our school – the Parents, the Staff, the Local Authority and the Church (known as Foundation governors). Some are appointed and some are elected.

We meet twice a term termly as a group, and these meetings include Catholic Life, Finance and Staffing, Safeguarding and the Curriculum. In addition, each governor is allocated a specialist subject that we take particular interest in (eg. Religious Education, Numeracy, Literacy, Art, ICT, etc.)

We are always keen to hear your views, so please do feel free to contact any of us directly. We look forward to a continued successful partnership with you.

Canon J Veasey
Chair of Governors

Members of our Governing Body

Name Type of Governor Term From Term To
Canon J Veasey Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor 16/9/2019 15/9/2023
Mr J Winterman Vice Chair of Governors, Parent Governor 24/9/2019 23/9/2023
Mrs F McGarry Foundation Governor 21/5/2019 20/5/2023
Ms C McNicholl Foundation Governor (BDES) 16/12/2021 15/12/2025
Ms S Mitchell Foundation Governor (Diocese) 13/1/2022 12/1/2026
Mr D Moore Foundation Governor 15/10/2019 14/10/2023
Ms Klaire-Louise Butler Parent Governor 2/12/2022 2/12/2026
Mrs Claire Knight Parent Governor 2/12/2022 2/12/2026
Mrs R Girling Headteacher - -
Mrs L Kielstra Staff Governor 15/5/2019 14/5/2023