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a picture of students playing on the playground

Headteacher's Welcome


On behalf of the Governors, staff, pupils and myself, I would like to welcome you to Holy Souls Catholic Primary School.

Our school is a large Catholic primary, set in the heart of the Acocks Green. We are proud of our school, parish and local community and value the contribution that we make to the local area.

We are a two form entry school in Years 3 to 6 and a 1½ form entry in our current Reception classes. We are proud members of the St Teresa of Calcutta MAC where Christ is at the centre of all we do. High expectations permeate throughout our school, and we truly believe in quality, dedication and aspirational thinking in all we do. We believe in our children and their futures and encourage them to strive for greatness through self-belief and determination.

I am proud to be told from the many visitors to our school that our children are polite, well mannered, happy and inquisitive. They are engaged in their learning in a calm, stimulating environment. We are all immensely proud of our school and are committed to providing the very best possible education for all of our children.

Holy Souls Catholic Primary School is a setting which holds children’s safety and well-being as paramount in supporting effective learning to take place. When children feel safe within a happy, nurturing environment, they are encouraged to enjoy learning and develop a lively and inquisitive mind. We also want our children to develop the ability to question and discuss rationally, and apply themselves to tasks, developing an ability to organise their work independently, growing in self-confidence.

We value the contribution that parents make to children’s education and view parents as partners. We believe that our children learn best when school staff and parents work in partnership and so we greatly value your involvement with your child’s education.

As a parent myself I know value and understand the importance of a child’s Primary Education and experiences. I am privileged to lead a team of professional, talented and dedicated staff who share my vision and work ethic. We work as a committed team who provide well planned, inspiring lessons and activities. A wide range of curriculum enrichment activities are also provided to enhance children’s learning.

We have a supportive and hard working group of governors and MAC Board who are highly skilled in different areas. Governors and staff work together to provide our children with the very best learning opportunities. Our governors have a high profile within school and work hard to achieve a working knowledge of our priorities and practices.

Our Parish family – led by Canon Jonathan Veasey and Father Alex Taylor hold us dear in their hearts. Their prayers, guidance and encouragement on our journey of faith support us as Disciples of Christ each one unique, each one created in his image and likeness.

Whilst it is my priority that the education the children receive here will enable them to achieve their academic potential and progress confidently into the next phase of their education, it is also part of my vision that all our children are exposed to opportunities to grow and develop their faith and encounter many positive experiences that lead them to an awareness of the endless possibilities that awaits them.

I commit to ensuring that the children of Holy Souls Catholic Primary School live out the teachings of Jesus in both thought and deed in their daily lives. May their actions speak louder than their words. In supporting and guiding them on their journey may we all work together to prepare and enable them as good citizens to deal effectively with the challenges that the modern world presents.

God Bless.

Mrs Rachel Girling

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