Year 6
Welcome to Year 6.
We have a happy learning environment where all children are encouraged, engaged and challenged in their learning in order to reach their full potential, following in the footsteps of Jesus with their friends, family and parish.
Our aim is to provide each child the stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the forthcoming challenges of secondary school.
Year 6 is a very important year as the children prepare for their end of Key Stage SATS. We also ensure that we offer children the opportunity to take on extra responsibilities within school and lead by example as the most senior pupils in school.
Our classrooms are a stimulating environment which motivates children to work hard and achieve highly whilst having fun. We provide the children with a broad, balanced and creative curriculum catering to the needs of all children.
Also see: Year 6 Parent Information Sheet – September 2023
Our Learning
Find out more about our learning in 2022/23: