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At Holy Souls we believe Mathematics is essential to everyday life and aim to foster a love of Mathematical learning in every pupil, awakening their sense of curiosity and enjoyment.

We aim to achieve this by providing as many practical, fun, real life learning opportunities as possible. Pupils will learn a range of mathematical skills to solve problems in a variety of ways, and directly link their learning to real life situations, helping them to see the importance of mathematics in their everyday lives.

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White Rose Maths

white rose mathsAt Holy Souls we teach maths using the White Rose Maths schemes of learning which are designed to give sufficient time for teachers to explore and understand concepts in depth, rather than covering it superficially and then returning several times.

EYFS gives children the first experiences with number and shape, space and measure. These skills help the children and their move into Year 1. The children look at aspects of White Rose before following the National Curriculum and White Rose outright in Year 1.

KS1 help develop the fluency skills so they can reason and solve problems.

KS2 continues this and children make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.

We use a concrete (resources), pictorial, abstract (pencil and paper oral methods) approach to teach mathematical concepts. This helps children to learn, understand and embed knowledge.

Parent Information for White Rose Maths

White Rose Maths have teamed up with TV presenter, teacher and parent Michael Underwood to help parents understand maths in schools across the country.

Click the image below for useful advice, videos and much more!

Maths Learning Platforms

Children at Holy Souls school have been given logins and passwords for MyMaths and TTRockstars.

Click the links below to visit the websites:

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